AVT Has Erased the Distance


My fiancé and I have maintained a long distance relationship for 7 years now. He lives in India while I live in US. I am able to see him over summers. We used to constantly IM due to the fact that services such as Vonage and calling cards were so expensive.

One day quite a few years ago, I discovered AVT in the app store. It literally had the lowest prices that I had ever seen by a tenfold. I downloaded it very skeptically. I received $1 dollar free credit and I called him for the first time in months. I was able to talk to him for an hour and a half. For that hour and a half, we were like any other normal couple. It was like there was no distance.

From that day on, I have been using nothing other than AVT to call him. 5 years, 3 phones, and 6 hairstyles later, I still use AVT on a regular basis and I am incredibly grateful that AVT has been able to erase such a great distance in our hearts every time we use the app.

by Nimali Chandran